Military parade dedicated to Armed Forces Day of Azerbaijan held in Baku

herbi_parad2A large military parade dedicated to the Azerbaijani Armed Forces Day was held in Baku today. Over 5,000 personnel of various military units of armed forces will be involved in the military parade dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan, which will be held on June 26, on Azadlig Square, the head of the press service of Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry, Colonel Eldar Sabiroghlu told Trend on Tuesday. The participation of nearly 300 units of military equipment and weapon systems, more than 100 combat aircrafts and helicopters and nearly 40 warships and boats in the parade is also planned.Representatives of all the troops marched through the square. In the end, Azerbaijani Armed Forces planes created the country’s flag in the sky. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev delivered a speech at the parade.

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